The Oppression of Solitude
It's been a strange day today. Really, truly bizarre issues have cropped up at work, not critical or even that important, but things that defy logical explanation and just eat away at your peace of mind. It was one of my New Year's resolutions that I would not hang on to these kind of problems but give myself a sensible slot of time to look at them and if no progress is made then move on. I know that the answer often comes quite easily after a break, but it's so hard to force myself to take one because I always think the solution is within grasp.
So I moved on by going for a run this afternoon, my now regular circuit through Northcliffe Park and back along the canal. The promised sun didn't arrive until well after I got back so I've been looking with great envy at the blips from Scotland today featuring the most fabulous light. Take a look at Dotty and F2 if you don't already subscribe to either of these fabulous journals.
Arrived home to an empty house tonight which always seems strange as it's such a rare occurrence. Leeds are playing Arsenal away in the FA Cup and Roam has gone down with a friend to support his beloved team at the Emirates Stadium in North London. Although Forrest was brought up a Leeds supporter, he is now almost as passionate about Arsenal as Roam is about Leeds. He's gone to a local pub to watch the match on the big screen. The rivalry is intense. I'm hoping for a draw, and a replay, just to delay the agony of one team winning and all that will mean in terms of sibling gloatery! It won't be pleasant.
So, I guess I am feeling a bit lonely tonight but not oppressively so. The title just jumped into my head and I processed the image accordingly. I find, for the most part, that solitude is liberating, but it's impossible to be fully human by yourself. So perhaps give a thought tonight to those people who have found solitude without ever seeking it. This may have been prompted by this recent blip from Travellersjoy, another great journal that is well worth checking out.
Thanks for all the lovely comments about my fitness. But it's sadly all so relative. I came back yesterday bemoaning my lack of fitness! But I've got it in perspective. I never take my fitness for granted. I'm very lucky.
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