Still life, or spring growth

I was back in the office I left at 9-30pm last night twelve hours later. I worked with Sue, the Clerk, on finishing the press release, then discussed the proposed agenda for our next finance committee in two weeks time. We then talked with a builder about the external maintenance for the office building, which was very useful.

I took a few pictures before leaving at lunchtime, and then as I walked onto the street I was attracted to the light on various buildings around the Subscription Rooms. I walked about taking a variety of pictures at will, and really enjoyed it. I am sure that was helped by the balmy air and the bright sunshine and the blue sky.

On my earlier walk to the meetings I had noticed the sunlight catching a lone daffodil flower on an old hedgebank, set back somewhat from beside the London Road. On the way back, I walked up the drive a few yards, and as I got closer, I noticed all the shoots of the new daffodil leaves which had seemingly shot rapidly upwards. In doing so they had come straight out of the ground, through an undisturbed patch of twigs, leaves and fallen rotting fruit, probably apples, which you can see in the foreground. I am sure that the leaves on top of the right hand shoots have been pushed straight up in the air.

The warm days recently must have induced this sudden spurt of growth, a foretaste of the tremendous energy and transformations that spring will bring. I can't wait.

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