I needed some colour today

I have lots to do, but today I couldn't get motivated. I have heard the weather is changing and the warm days will be going. The birds were singing and chattering away in their various locations, the goldfinches being particularly vocal as they gathered in the ash tree.

However I was motivated to use my camera in the garden as I played around with some different approaches. I was drawn to the few colourful plants, as well as the gorgeous red of the dogwood's branches.

I took some shots of this primula in its pot outside the patio doors. It seems to be loving the warmth and light. I came back about an hour later with a cup of tea as the sun was setting behind layers of clouds. I was on my way out to get my tripod from the cabin, when I saw the primula from a different angle and too k this picture. Once I'd brought the tripod onto the patio, I took various test shots of the red and blue sky. But now I look at the results I am rather dissatisfied. Must do better and think about other techniques.

I really like the rich tones of this handheld shot best, so I can have a bit of colour from our otherwise rather drab, grey and wintry surroundings.

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