Roll With It

By Falmike

Big Red

Unusual photo but this is 'Big Red's' new near side rear light cluster, she has new rear lights, new central locking and refurbished electric windows. Some do flower arranging, others baking, Clare lavishes her attention on 'Big Red', when she collected her this evening from her two new best friends, Steve and Steve of T4 Connections, I hadn't seen her that excited since I told her I was deploying to the Falklands for six months.

But 'Big Red' is more than a bus, she transports the surfboards with all the equipment, acts as a changing room for the children, a bench seat for me when changing out of the wetsuit, a mobile cafe when Clare has the single ring cooker fired up for hot chocolate, tea or coffee, transport for the dogs to various walking venues, delivery van for larger items of furniture and our refuse van for tip trips in short 'Big Red' contributes hugely to our way of life. we have met amazing people at VW camping week-ends/shows etc. we used to have a certain degree of 'bus envy' but are now content with our lot and 'Big Red' in particular.

Next up - a new set of bumpers, front and rear, a rather fetching bespoke basket arrangement in stainless steel for the roof which will allow us to carry more externally.

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