Pugs, horse, baby and me!

By Puggirl

Lily tales....

Hi everyone

So an early start for bootcamp, it was very hard and I am feeling those deep squats tonight, owchey!!!

Then I go and call on Lilythelab as her Mummy is really really not well at all, and it was a bit drizzly so taking Esmé in the carrier was out so had to take the pram.. Lily and a pram, it was going to go one of two ways... Lily was an ANGEL, trotted by Esmé the whole two miles and was a perfect lady!! When Esmé grumbed Lily looked in all concerned! Cute!!!! As you can see they make quite the pair!

I then went and got Esmé weighed and she has not gained anything in 4 weeks so the health visitor told me to wean her ASAP, I always had Jan 23rd in my head so need to get on that tomorrow... I am looking forward to using my Cath Kidson bowl given to me by a very special friend :)

So evening comes and I thought it may be nice for Lily to see Rolo one eye, as she has not seen many friends recently, well - the Lily we know and love came back - jumping on Rolo, lying down for him, bouncing up and down! Thank goodness I did not bring Diva - it would of been lead tangling all the way :)

Lots of love

Ps can we all say a little get well prayer for Lilythelabs Mummy, she needs all our well wishes. It is rotten being poorly :( especially when you have no energy and feel terrible. But don't worry blippers I am only a few doors down and am keeping a very close eye on her :)

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