Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

A bit early!

I had the afternoon off today, very pleasant as I haven't really seen much daylight of late!

I strolled around enjoying the air and browsed some of the sales, had my eye on a few bargains and I always leave them till late, a little bit of luck and fate, and even more reductions!!
I loved the fact that some of the blossom is out, although it may be a bit early. The smell was lovely, really gentle and the flowers so delicate. There were very few people about in the park and I sat and had a little think for a bit, birds singing, the breeze in the trees and a solitary bench......just what the doctor ordered.

I met up with my lovely wife and my Nephew and then went to the pictures. I was stunned how much they charge for drinks and popcorn....robbing gits! We had a good time though.

Another nice day!!

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