Nic's daily pics...

By nicks

It's not always sweetness and light!

I had an option to post a lovely picture of 2 lovely sleeping girls this evening, but I decided that as this is supposed to be a diary I should really be honest about today, and the truth is that Mia is lucky she didn't end up on eBay this evening! She had a HUGE tantrum when we left nursery which meant it took 25 minutes to get her strapped into the car seat, she then cried all the way home and then for about 15 minutes once we got home. And the reason for this huge tantrum? Because I wanted to put her in the car before Hannah... They'd actually both been naughty most of the day at nursery too, and Mia hadn't had a nap, so it wasn't exactly unexpected!

After the tantrum she was lovely, very cuddly and like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, but wow she was absolutely crazy!

I really hate the tantrums, and they always make me feel like the worst Mummy in the world (especially when they happen at nursery where you feel like everyone who works there and all the other parents are also thinking you're the worst Mum in the world!) but I'll probably sneak in for a bit of a cuddle before I go to bed and get the happy thoughts back...

PS - I have tried and tried to change this photo to show the right way up but regardless of what I do with it in a photo editing tool Blip always seems to turn it back to it's original orientation - sorry!

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