Sofa time

4 hours sleep last night.
Pain bad.
Was sick at work first thing.
Pain related I think.
Felt like utter crap all day.
Compounded by a very minor incident from a student who was so disrespectful of me but who is one of my very best students and has never ever done anything wrong...but let slip today that something I say (I didn't ask what) is the cause of a standing joke and he was just rude. I am actually quite upset about it.
Compounded further by senior students flouting a basic rule because they apparently don't see basic rules as being important - I became the proud (temporary) owner of 7 coats in the space of 5 minutes at lunchtime.
Like a zombie. Cooked tea.
Fell asleep on the sofa - just out for the count.
Shower, pyjamas, blanket and my boy....cuddles and also a surprise homemade card from him which made me smile.
But overall, today shall be consigned to the 'black day' box. It will be over soon.

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