One day at a time!

By smilesf0rdays

Father of Mine

Father figures, so important. Life changing, in her case.

This beautiful girl I've grown to care so much for lost hers a long time ago. Too long ago, it seems. When I look into her eyes I see agony. The twisted part is I know that agony is something he more than anything wishes she wouldn't feel. Her heart and soul both are so brave that she finds a way to live every day as if it were her last, despite the pain and the gigantic hole that can never be filled. This angel is so strong and I know that every single ounce of her strength is from her father. She smiles more times a day than I can count, simply because of him. I know he looks down on her every minute feeling so proud of the woman she is becoming. I admire her for her courage and her ability to be happy after all she has been through. I feel the love and the confidence that she will have a good day he sends her with every sunrise and I feel him tucking her in and kissing her on the forehead with a soft whisper of "goodnight angel" after every sunset, too. An angel is what he truly believes she is, and I know he is right.

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