A Year in Phnom Penh

By nellbj

Shopping at the market

Today was my first afternoon off without work or my masters (essay was submitted on Monday) at home in more than six months. Finally had time to go to the market to shop for fresh veg. It is generally a pleasure especially since I found a reasonable stall holder who gives me good prices and I decided never to bargain. While this may lose me a few dollars here and there it makes the whole process a lot more pleasant and stress free. And anyway, all this cost less than $5.
So...I've made tomato chutney this afternoon, we have Sweet potato and Aubergine stew lined up for tonight and Jungle Loving Princess Curry tomorrow night (yes it really is called that in the book).
I'm coming to understand that often a small price incurred for the avoidance of things you personally find stress you out is definitely worth it. (Don't worry I know how lucky I am to be able to say that).

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