Hands off !!!!
This is the trouble... the trouble with children,poor Lucy woke with quite a high temperature and also she said she had a headache,she was really pale,so we dropped Eve off and went for a walk at the Welcome Hills with the pooches.
We collected my Mum and I popped into M&S for these 'milkshake sundaes' there is also a chocolate version but Lucy already ate hers.... anyway I would not let mum have her banana one until I had blipped and Lucy decided to sneak her hand in,at first I was all shouty but now I have uploaded the pictures I rather like her grubby mitt in the shot.ANYWAY I really liked these,mum and I tested them as a matter of research............ and we have decided that we need more and maybe some of the new summer fruits cake..... I spied the new boxes being put on the extensive cake section ..... I should be a detective.
Say for instance there was a serial killer who used food in his killy deeds... I tell you this,he would be locked up afor you could say 'numpty lah' if I were on the case,this is assuming it was in this area as I am a little bit lazy to bother with travel xxxxx
p.s Tulip craft paper in background xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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