Annual check up

This afternoon I went to the vets for my annual check up.

I love going to the vets because normally everyone tells me I'm gorgeous, have a very pretty face, am a very good girl and I get loads of treats.

Normally I go to the vets in Hayle but as they have opened a branch in Carbis Bay I went there this afternoon so that I could incorporate my afternoon walk into my vet visit. It took me about an hour and a half to walk there and back and I got to play on the beach on the way home.

However, I don't like the vets at Carbis Bay. There was only one vet and one nurse/receptionist. Neither of them told me I was gorgeous and nobody gave me any treats. I was so upset because I was being ever such a good girl. Even when the vet stuck a needle in me I didn't move.

Don't get me wrong, they weren't horrible; I'm just used to having lots of fuss made of me when I go to the vets.

Anyway the vet said I was fit and healthy and I've also lost some weight since last year so I'm pretty much a supersonic collie!

................And just look who I met on the walk home? Margaret, Amy and Ozzy (my gorgeous retriever boyfriend). We were so excited to see each other 'cos it was the first time we've met in 2012.

I was so happy to see him it almost made up for me not getting any treats at the vets.

Almost, but not quite?!

When we got home Ann gave me a little bit of my favourite treat which is cheese. She said I'd been an exceptionally well behaved little collie dog at the vets and she is very, very proud of me!

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