All things Blipable....

By Tina

monster space ship boat car type thingy

Back to work today..

i thought id be stoopidly slow..but i think i did ok..

i have to admit by 3pm i was a bit dead on me feet *i started at half ten...

i managed to stay in work til most things done..

The Boss Kids came in..
#they always make me smile..
today i was referred to as an Old lady....i think thats a tad harsh as im only 46, but them blue hair nets we have to wear do age you dreadfully!!!!!

this is one of the boss' sons drawing his monster, that then became a space ship~with a spider on a boat...

guess it had all bases covered..

i was going to blip one of our easter range but decided it might still be a bit early to subject you to that!!!!!!
lets just say Our Kath was VERY busy at work today... what with valentines & easterey types stuff n all!!


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