Family Dog

By Family_Dog

good morning blippers!

They* say you get the sleep you deserve. I must have been very good yesterday because I got a really good, full and rounded kip last night with a nice early start to what appears to be a lovely day.

I didn't even cough and wake up the baby which is a nice treat for both of us I'm sure as I have quickly discovered that:

coughing during the night + waking up Arlo = crazy-screaming-baby-who-is-inconsolable-and-starts-choking-just-to-prove-his-point-that-being-woken-by-coughing-is-thoroughly-NOT-okay

Today I have to wait for a delivery. I've ordered 2 new sleeping bag thingies for Arlo off the www but they are yet to materialise (cue mild sense of unease). 3 - 5 days is the approximate delivery date. Today is day 4 and typically nothing arrived when I was unable to leave the house due to the pram having a flat tyre (I know, I know - the more high tech you get the more ridiculous your problems become). Now the tyre is fixed, we are still grounded.

Dammit for doing all my washing yesterday. Now I'm going to have to face facts and DANG DANG DANG.....hoover.

*we don't like 'they' in our house. No siree, Bob we do not. 'They' tell us all sorts of annoying things like how many biscuits we can eat and how much wine we can drink and how much telly is a good thing and how much telly is a bad thing. In fact, sometimes we just wish 'they' would bugger off and leave us alone entirely. Although if 'they' did that then we wouldn't be able to spout out random statements like 'they say we get the sleep we deserve' and other things. Mind you, if 'they' did bugger off and leave then 'some' would come and take 'they're' place so that would be alright.

I'm going now. Backblipped if you're interested....

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