Family Dog

By Family_Dog

mummy mascara

I have a friend (Heather) who would literally rather stay awake all night than go to bed without taking her make up off. She is a beauty therapist, but still - I think she'd be like that even if she was an accountant. She's just dead good when it comes to looking after herself.

She has skin like snow-white.

Me? I would rather collapse in a worzel gummage style heap in bed than take 2 mins to wash my face free of the day's grime and make up. What? Does that make me evil? Surely I'm not alone in this?

Funnily enough - I have skin like an old sea farin' jakey.

I tried to have a skin care 'regime', but frankly it got in the way of my sleeping 'regime' so I stopped it and both myself and the lovely Bry got used to me waking up looking like Mad Aggie (closest image to my imaginery bonkers self is THIS), with a perfect imprint of mascara on my cheek (seriously - that's true. I dread to think what kind of poses I'd been pulling during slumber time).

In fact (why am I divulging this?) my skin care regime got so bad that one time (admittely tipsy and, in my defence - it was before I was a mummy) I conked out on the sofa with my face on the pizza delivery section of the yellow pages and woke up with 'pizza paradise' and the freefone number imprinted backwards on my cheek....

Anyway - I digress.

Things have been so much better recently because I just haven't had time to put on make up so whilst I've been going to bed unwashed, when I wake up - no Mad Aggie.

And now things are even better - I have found THE BEST MASCARA in the world. You put it stays there forever. It is smudge proof. Smudge proof. Wonderful words. This is me THE NEXT DAY! See? It stays. No more mascara on the cheek. No more terrifying the postie when he knocks on the door - now, I just wake up, made up!

Hazzah. If only everything in life was smudge free!

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