Science used to be more fun...

Spent the day trawling my way through the nomenclature for drugs of abuse. I'm pretty sure there must be a research project in there somewhere... just where did some of the slang names come from? Not that I NEED to know, but interesting. Do need to know what they are referring to before you can code them though!

Anyway, the advent of computers may have let us do a lot more number crunching... but sometimes I wonder if experiments done in days gone past (as in the library book shown here) would have been more fun!

Seriously though, this is just a first attempt at finding a way to get an image from a rather dull subject. There may be others from the bookcase of inherited ideas when I'm otherwise strapped for a blip of an evening. After all, there's only so many cat pictures that one man (or woman) can take!

PS Just did a quick experiment - the original thumbnail was full size and in the first fifteen minutes it was on display it got two hits. I changed it to the one that's there now and within 30 seconds another 4 hits were registered. Now that's either coincidence... or the thumbnail does matter... or... !?!

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