
By blowfish


Decided at the last minute to work at Avoca today instead of driving into my new office at UTA. The sun was out (it hasn't been for three or four days) and the light on Magnolia is amazing this time of day. The gaggle of hipsters at my table stressing over airline fare cut my session short so I headed out into the streets. Ran in to another Avoca frequenter and local photographer (this is actually his profession, though), Dave, who talked shop with me for a few minutes before I continued on my walk. Ended up just a short block away to the advertising and design firm Creative Magma where George works and met his co-worker here, Chase. Good to catch up with some Fort Worth acquaintances and hear about weather, the cycling community, the swathes of crime erupting in the ever-refurbishing area. Learned some more about how to go about displaying some of my photographs during the neighborhood's bi-annual art show (as well as how some uber-stylish iPhone photos sold big at last time's show).

This damned syllabus is plaguing me. It will get done tonight (it has to for both deadline and sanity reasons) but not without some high cost.

Technical bits: over-filtered, at least for my usual tastes, but my old camera does not handle blow-outs well (something all the latter models, I've read, seem to have fixed). White balance issues are one of my most grating pet peeves--people's faces don't look like this when I'm looking at them through the viewfinder! Hearing about Dave's new D7000 possibly heightened my envy for a machine that fixes this stuff automatically. I like faces but I want the faces to look like faces. I don't know, I don't know...

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