my corner of the world

By Vic

Morning stop

Had no computer the last couple of days due to John getting in very late and having the laptop! Fell asleep tonight waiting for him to return. Not because I needed his laptop, honest!

Stopped off on the way to work, ran to the shore, quick snap and ran back to the car! Made it to work for my before school meeting. Worked till late due to a staff meeting followed by sorting the class.

Once we were all home (Not John as he was giving a talk out tonight), both kids were a bag of emotions tonight. Jaden burst into tears every few minutes. Jasmine felt rough and has friendship issues. Does she go back to the bad influence girls or stay with the good girls who leave her out all the time. Spent all night going from one child to the other then fell asleep! Whoops.

Got my his laptop back now. (Yours is mine and mine is yours and all that)! Not had much time to edit as it's well late. Hope your week is going well.

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