I took out some of the sickly yellow

Sometimes, at this time of year I get a bit..........................down. I won't say depressed because it's not that. Last year we had the beautiful snow to brighten and distract from grimy January. When I feel like this the yellow of the street lamps can make me feel a bit sick.

This year we have winds, grey skies and moderate temperatures. The last bit is dull dull dull. The winds are scary. I don't like the wind. It stops me sleeping and it makes me anxious.

I'd like to see just a wee bit of snow before January is out, just to brighten things up. In Scotland we get enough dreary, grey, 40 watt bulb sort of days.

Just thought I'd randomly add that I've made a resolution to be more sociable and to properly keep in touch with people. So there you are...................bet you're glad about that.

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