My Life in 2012

By Jennay


This blood red picture, which is my hallway door, is now the symbol for anger. Anger is what my entire day revolved around.

My Living Masterpieces teacher told me that when I presented my scene, I made the character sound too harsh...too harsh? I mean, It was a cold reading... I didn't know much about the character.

Oh no, this was no excuse. It is because I've been stressed our. Stressed out until the point that it is now affecting my work. It was disappointing and I felt ashamed. Instead of letting my emotions out through Acting, I put up a hide behind.

Well, that mask sure hit the floor when I got back to my dorm. I got into a heated argument with someone about being emotionless and after I hung up the phone, I looked into the mirror.

In the mirror, I didn't know who I was...I didn't recognize this anger woman staring back. And if god couldnt contain himself, I got a bloody nose. But this was THE bloody nose. It destroyed all my clothing and it left me on the floor balling my eyes out, covered in blood.

But I couldn't let that destroy me. No, instead I allowed it to release me. I got up, cleaned up, and looked in the mirror. I decided I change the tension into a new person. I cut my bangs and did some serious retail therapy. After that I came back and cleaned my room until it was spotless. The clear space will help my mind...

But the red...the color is tense. I can feel my emotions when I see this picture. I can see the blood, my heart being shielded, and my anger rising above all. But this color provokes a challenge. A challenge I can overcome. That challenge to let the tension go, and become focused again and be composed.

So c'mon red. Challenge accepted!

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