The second half of life..

By twigs


A good day despite the weather being a bit grumpy.

It rained overnight but it was a lovely, clean, fresh air that greeted me when I got up so I took the time to sit outside and watch the world go by. Coffee in hand and cats by feet it was indeed a lovely morning.

Then this chap came into view a matter of inches away from me . . . . . descending on a thread and looking for all money like he was beginning to weave the most massive web. Out with the camera to grab a few shots. It crossed my mind that he might well end up on LB's head if he kept descending as he was, which then prompted me to think that LB would probably respond by seeing it as a game in which case Incy woud defininitely come out second best. Then it crossed my mind that I should move one or other of them . . . .

Instead, I went indoors and carried on with my day.

When I came out a while later Incy was curled up on the ground, all 8 legs tucked in tight - the pose of a lifeless spider.

Much as I do not like spiders I have learned (am learning) to tolerate and even enjoy some of them. And given the choice between saving one or killing it, saving it would win hands down every time. I have felt some terrible guilt today over my decision not to listen to my mind when it spoke to me. Of course, I can't be sure that LB was the killer - I guess it could have been natural causes . . . . or am I grasping at guilt-freeing straws?

Anyway, the weather being a little grey (again) meant it was pretty much an indoor day (again) so I finally set to and got stuck into a big paper job that is a l-o-n-g time overdue. Made a really good dent in it too :)

By evening time the storm clouds were beginning to brew so I decided to get some fresh air and head out to the boulder bank in the hope the sky and sea might create an interesting dusk. It did. Not quite what I'd pictured in my mind but there you go. These 2 German (central European) tourists were enjoying a spot of hopeful fishing at the end of the day - as I was enjoying some hopeful photogrpahy.

The weathermen tell us we could be in for a lot more rain in the next 24 hours - I hope not. The region hasn't recovered from the last deluge yet. Fingers crossed they might be wrong. Time will tell.

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