An Everyday Rocket

By everydayrocket

There was the Veil through which I might see.

Dame Fortune brings you my blip today - caught a nice skyline rocketing along the morning commute, took some shots of random fellow commuters, and more of an interesting bit of architectural collision I found when out to lunch - but above was the winner. Best of all, it was a completely harried and unplanned shot.

I was actually getting myself together to deboard at my stop; the train crosses a rather long bridge just prior. As I'm grabbing this and zipping that, I notice fog through the window, out of the corner of my eye - unusual at this location and at this time of year- and almost dismissed it! Did a literal double-take as my brain spit out the all-hands alert, "Camera! Take photo! Could be great blip! CAMERA!" Dropping everything I'd just collected, I dug out my mobile and, despite the jostle of the train, managed to snap a fairly wonderful photo. At 60 mph. Through glass. With no glare. And without catching one of the foot-wide bridge beams spaced every dozen yards.

The photo itself is clear - the fog was that thick, and magical in person. White knight likes the hint of sparkle on the water in the middle ground.

Still mentally slow clapping for myself. Might bring you shots of the aforementioned architectural collision in the future, if I can get better lighting/angles.

(Entry title, Edward FitzGerald)

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