An Everyday Rocket

By everydayrocket

The universe is wider than our views of it.

Took this through about a half-inch hole in a shoe box.

That's where I discovered kitten napping, as I tried to push the box aside and realized it was much heavier than one supposes an empty shoe box should be. It was a fun shot, as I had no idea what would come out of it - and I was truly giddy when it came out with enough detail to see what the subject is. Not sure kitten was very pleased to be blasted with the mobile's flash, but I'm sure her napping quota had been met for the day, so I'm not overly sorry to have distributed her. Tough cookies kitten!

Both white knight and I spent some time examining this blip - since kitten takes up the whole frame it seems, as knight said, that "the world is made of kitten." I found that a humbling commentary on perspective. Hence the title quote.

(Entry title, Henry David Thoreau)

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