
With the forecast now looking OK it was off on the next adventure, several nights on my Mum and Dads boat.

We departed the marine by around 12 and within 45 minutes had the first of the fish. Trawling for some kawhai, often eaten, but this time for bait (Adam 5, Hannah 2). Then down to Ponui Island for some "real" fishing for snapper.

Had limited luck, but lots of fun, including catching a small shark and then into the nights anchorage.

Camp oven on the boat and a BBQ on the back as it was a little cool and unsettled to go ashore. Punctuated by a large stingray on one of the floating baits that provided 10 minutes of entertainment until I broke it off. Lots of fun tho.

Late dinner and a late night for the kids. Ended with a quiet gin in the cockpit by dad and I. Bliss.

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