Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Turning a corner

I feel as though I've turned a corner this week. At the start of the week I felt really down as I hadn't worked for what felt like ages and it seemed as though nobody wanted me. I worked on Wednesday and have received other requests to work too and it's amazing how feeling wanted has made me feel so much happier. I've also kept myself busy by decorating the hall so being proactive has also had a good effect on my mental well being :-)

I feel as though the weather has also turned a corner. It definitely feels springy out there! The flowers are definitely confused and think spring is already here - I spotted my first snowdrop on Christmas Eve! I'm probably tempting fate now and we'll have 5ft of snow next week!

My eldest son made me very proud today as he had the result back from the first part of his maths GCSE. He's only in Year 10 but took 25% of his exam before Christmas. Well done :-D

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