Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

All finished!

Well here it is, the finished hall. I wanted a new mirror to replace the cheap and nasty pine one that was in here but the ones I wanted from Next (other shops available bla bla bla!) were £100+!!!!! Anyway, I'm really pleased with this one from Wilkinson for a fraction of that amount. (It was rather heavy to carry back to the car though!)

I popped to Dunelm today with my dad to help him find some bits and pieces for the bedroom he's just decorated. (Yes, we've both got the decorating bug at the moment!) I also went to a few other shops and it's amazing how fast the day passed; before I knew it, it was time to fetch the kids from school. Whilst in Dunelm, I bought a new blind and some matching towels as I've decided to do the downstairs loo which is next to the hall. Decorating one room always makes another one look shabby and the loo is also tiny so it shouldn't take too long. The real target for this year is a room we call the play room that is like a second lounge but on a much smaller scale. The wallpaper is really dated now and the curtains have definitely seen better days but it's a much bigger room and will take a while to do. It also needs some money spending on it so I'll need to do some serious supply before I can afford a new carpet etc for the play room.

I've had a call today giving me some supply work over the next 3 weeks - only 1 1/2 days, not the whole 3 weeks! - so that has cheered me up as it's in one of my regular schools.

Enjoy the weekend everyone.

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