Da ba da dan dee dee dee da
It's only 1913, and I'm exhausted already.
But today - Scotland Junior Ladies (All born after Jan 1 1994) were playing their first match in Malta! They arrived yesterday, and between leaving here and arriving at the hotel, Tooli managed to loose her phone, leave her passport at Passport control and flood the bathroom! The game had to go well.
When we spoke to her last night, she told us that they had seen their opponents - Big Monsters from Cyprus who were all 6 foot tanks. - Tooli is the little midget in the middle of the back row of the photo, on the web page. (Everyone looks 6ft to her). She said they were "pysching" them out, and if looks could kill they'd all be on their way back in body bags.
The game started as I left work, and they were already down one set. By the time I got home, they were well on their way to loosing the second.
But the third set. Something amazing happened, and they turned it around - we were watching a live update of the score, and trying to picture it in our heads.... and they WON the set! Our little girlies, against big strong Cyprus Team! Yeah!
The game ended with 4-1 down, but the fact that they took a set against the strongest team says something for their determination.
All the while we were watching her scores - we were talking to Boy, whose League in North Carolina gets underway tonight. There will be no early night in this house. They are playing 2 matches tonight, and with the five hour time difference the second one starts at midnight!
And to make my evening even more super exciting...... Look what Si brought home from work for me to play with test!!!
PS - Guess the song.
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