
By dogwithnobrain

We'll Be Ready When the Curtain Falls....

I wuz goin 2 jump on teh window ledge, but somethin wuz in mah wai!

So i stood on mah tippy toez, an reachd, an woe iz me: a cloud came down on mah head!

I thot 2 myself, thars fun 2 be had here, so i hid inside, wer no wan cud c me, An pretendd i wuz cloud

Thar wuz anothr wan liek dis, but mom took it away, when i stuck mah claws thru it an made window

But look how pritee ah am. Am the pritteest kiteh in the wurld!

I was going to jump on the window ledge but something was in my way. So I stood on my tippy paws, and reached up and woe, is me! A cloud came down on my head.

I thought to myself, there is fun to be had here, so I hid inside, where no one could see me, and I pretended I was the cloud.

But look how pretty I am. Am the prettiest kitty in the world!

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