More pointless cleaning of the kitchen floor today. The end to plasterboard madness seems ever further away. And still no birds on the bird table, even though I put a load more seed out and half an apple.
This morning's mist gave way to a day of unremitting cold drizzle, so I don't really blame the birds for hiding under a bush. I tried to figure out electricity quotes and bills, and tried to translate cake recipes into French (before realising the pointlessness of doing so as you can't seem to buy baking powder here). My mum says I should set up a business teaching 'English' baking - I think I'd make more money importing baking powder and proper vanilla extract. (Yes, I know I'm a typical ex-pat complaining about the things I can't get.)
This afternoon's joy was a trip to a nearby town (though not nearby enough that with petrol prices the way they are you would go there without a good reason) to buy some riding gloves for Katherine. I (and Mr B it turned out) had in mind some lovely leather gloves, expensive, but worth it. Katherine (it turned out) had in mind some 4 euro woollen gloves with a picture of a horse on the back. Sigh. The trip was made more worthwhile with a trip to a different supermarket, which had fat balls to lure the birds onto our table (since I can't seem to find lard here to make my own).
Then home for duck and chips and a sample of a different type of fizzy pink wine (not a hit).
Nearly forgot to talk about the picture again. Here's my new pie book - requested from my mum for Christmas (who liked it so much she copied out half the recipes) and a selection of dishes soon to be filled with pies. Going through the book with Mr B, all the pies I want to make are the ones from my childhood (mostly involving mince) and the ones he wants to make all have things like oysters in. But I'm not a pie snob: so long as it has pastry, I'll make it and eat it. I'm sure taking up a pie diet is not common in January, but I always like to strike out in a new direction...
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