My quiet space

By JuliaS

A Daisy for you Mummy.....

A bit of a strange day today and I'm feeling a bit down as a result, but hey you have to pick yourself up and get on with it.

Tara had an inset day today and I was hoping to take her and Hari out to Wakehurst Place as it looked as if it would be a nice day. Unfortunately Hari's first words to me when he got up at 5.15am were 'Mummy, my tummy hurts' and it went downhill from there - poor thing seems to have picked up a bit of a tummy bug and there was no way I was going to risk going out ;0)

By 2 o'clock Hari seemed a little better and we managed a walk to the little park at the end of the road where we played for about 45 minutes and then took Tara to ballet.

When we got home Tara and Hari decided to pick me some daisy's.

Have a good weekend all xx

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