There can be nothing more entrancing than watching fire
lick and curl around paper. Watching the flames grown higher, more vibrant. Seeing the ash drip like little fairy lights as the embers die out and are carried away on the breeze.

My brother-in-law and I visited the allotment early this morning with all the boy scout knowledge necessary to set a big roaring fire. It was an exercise in liberation for him as we burned stuff which had held him for the last 32 years. His smile grew with each sheet he offered the flames. It was glorious to watch, although every now and then I kept having to tell him to step back a bit as he was very keen to get his hands in about the flames.

We had flasks which were welcome. Next time we need to remember to try bringing some bacon and a roll and see if we can't muster up some breakfast too.

The rest of the day was spent fixing things. I love doing this. I have tiled an intricate area in the bathroom that has been broken for over two years and have fixed the lining of my bag and various other bits and bobs. I cannot however, for the life of me understand how to get music onto my new phone. I've watched all the youtube offerings and yet this technology is beating me again! Bah that does frustrate me. Maybe I need to watch more fire with Adele

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