Today's Special

By Connections

8:23 Saturday Morning

It had to happen sometime this winter.

I think snow belongs on hills over 1000ft and on mountains, not in our little neighborhood (650ft). There is almost no snow to be seen downtown, another appealing aspect to living in a condo there for our final years.

Fortunately, Phil doesn't mind driving in snow, so we are heading out soon to the food co-op. His son T is coming tomorrow for an overnight visit; today's activities include clearing up the guest room so a guest could actually sleep there, laundry, taking the Christmas wreath off the front door, and making a hearty beef and barley soup, just the thing for cold weather.

And while I cook, I can admire this view -- it's what we see from our large kitchen window -- and thank the snow for covering most of the weeds in the garden.

More snow is forecast over the next few days, so I will have plenty of opportunities to put on my Snow Trax and with the security of the telescoping walking staff that Phil gave me recently, bravely venture forth.

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