Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Roaring good time!

A day out in the Big Smoke, well, not so smokey now!

Up early and on the train, we met our dear friends in Cambridge and then went down through the frost bitten countryside, all white and misty, to London town.

No real scheme or plans, just to mooch about our fine capitol, enjoy the sights, do some shopping (I wanted a little bust of 'The Bard' from the Portrait Gallery) and generally have a nice wander.

Abbreviated by several coffee stops and a spot of lunch and then another coffee we had a smashing time, ending our day in Trafalgar Square with, I hasten to add, lots of tourists clambering over all the lions! It was nice to see so many people visiting this great Country of ours.

Now at home and chill in' with my lovely wife and some good new memories.

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