8/31 a bad habit

Cakes are my bad habit. Well - I suppose you could actually enlarge that to include any form of carbohydrate, or rather, sweet carbohydrate. Chocolate. Biscuits. Fudge. Cake. More cake. (And cheese, although that's not carbohydrate, and it didn't look right on the cake stand...)

Today was not a happy baking day although we did make rather a lot of cakes. More carrot and courgette muffins - this time with melted butter instead of oil, a pinch of salt, and probably twice as much grated carrot and courgette as yesterday. Ben did well helping. His method of cracking eggs at the moment involves "knock knock knock on the door" thankyou I Can Cook Katie and then simply crush the egg shell and drop the lot into a bowl for mummy to then fish the shell out. He gives the egg such a look of oh my goodness that feels horrible when it cracks.

We also took some of the Friendship Cake batter and made a couple of batches of cupcakes - banana and white chocolate for Ben, and pear, nutmeg and plum for me. Four of them got a bit of both types of batter in! Mmmmm. They were goooood.

An early morning regurge of milk from Charley meant Ben was awake much earlier than normal today so he and Steve went downstairs to let me and Charley have a lie in. This meant that Steve struggled through breakfast and went back to bed late morning, falling asleep through Ben serenading him on musical toys. At least he felt better when he woke up, and was able to rescue me from Ben's "helping" me finish off making the cakes. Much stress, that baking session. Ben said he loved helping so at least it was worth it in that respect! I need to get used to doing "activities" again. Baking is conquered. I have a few recipes that are easy to prep and easy for Ben to help with, and he can learn prep along the way as he gets older. Just need to find the paints again now, and re-conquer my fear of mess! Must get a quick and easy method going to get it all out and set up and painting done and cleared up. Ben keeps asking to paint so I must do something about it.

Steve had to pop out to the shops for nappies and some other bits this evening and left me with the boys - which was probably the most stressful part of the day! Two tired little boys. An uninterrupted stream of noise from Ben, who wants to be wherever I am, no matter what he is doing. He doesn't even break his step to move whatever he is doing to wherever I am. Toys just come with him without him really aware of what he's doing. Noise comes with him. Loud noise. All the time. Drives me to distraction! But it ended up with both boys cuddling up to me. Steve came in and Ben was falling asleep. Carried him up to bed and he was in bed asleep by 7pm!! That's almost unheard of.

Got to 9.30pm and I keep looking at the clock thinking it must be nearly half past eleven by now, I have to blip I have to blip and Charley won't settle to let me get the camera out but we have had an extra two hours thanks to Ben!! Amazing. Wonder what will happen tomorrow morning.

Time for bed now. Charley is awake, I expect Ben will wake up in a few minutes too.

G'night :)

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