Colorful Life Journey

By suriLife

Cool Salad

I made this salad once I reached home from my Yoga class. Am not sure what to eat so I made this cool salad.. It's so easy to make even kids can do it too..

I use balsamic vinegarette that my friend bought for us from Harris Teeter almost 2 years ago as he left it for me to use as he had to return to Japan at that time.. Yes, it's still good.. Also, I microwave alouette soft spreadable cheese and add that to my salad and gently stir them.. Yummsss!!

Everytime, I use that vinegarette, it always brought memories to me and always made me smile.. I missed my friend very much.. no words can describe it..

"Always appreciate the person you with even if it's for a short period of time before he or she leaves.."

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