Great excitement in Newburgh on Ythan
And it came to passe in the sixe hundredth and one yeere, in the first moneth, the first day of the moneth, the waters were dryed vp from off the earth: and Noah remooued the couering of the Arke, and looked, and behold, the face of the ground was drie.
- King James Bible (1611)
Many believe that Noah's Ark finally came to rest on Mount Ararat in what is now Eastern Turkey. But now we know different! Early this morning a helicopter flying in from the North Sea oil rigs spotted the Ark on the Sands of Forvie, lying in a great hollow among the huge sand dunes. It had lain there for millennia, undiscovered and buried in sand, until laid bare by a recent tempest. This could change Newburgh for ever!
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