Family Dog

By Family_Dog

Ida got this cool set of blocks for Christmas. It's like a stained glass window. I completely love it and spend quite a bit of time arranging all the different blocks in different ways trying to decide which way makes the most of all the beautiful colours and beads.

I love the sound the beads make as they rattle around in the blocks and the feel of the smooth, cool, chunky wood. I love the way they all fit together no matter how you arrange them. I love the way the lid of the frame snaps closed and I love the way the light shines through - it reminds me of the pictures I used to make using Quality Street wrappers.

Ida likes it too, but much prefers getting into all the things she's not supposed to - Arlo's computer (she's currently pressing all the buttons on the keyboard as I write this and looking over at us saying 'uh-oh'. She LOVES getting into trouble!), remote controls, the computer cables and the little pipes under the radiators. All the safe stuff.

It's been a very quiet weekend, but much needed. Not for Ida though - she's been sleeping like a crazy person (i.e not really at all) and we're all exhausted. Oh - and she has figured out how to pull herself up onto her feet from a lying position in her cot. This is, as you can imagine, really, really unsafe!

She doesn't hang about for long, this one.....

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