Family Dog

By Family_Dog

I don't care what the weather girl says...

It's what she's wearing that worries me.

I almost never watch the news - a year or so ago I decided to stop. A kind of personal campaign against the constant stream of bad news that's fed to us as if we're a hungry machine where celebrity gossip and stories about stabbing are the only things that sate us. I refuse to be part of that.

So, that also means I never see the weather anymore, which is no big deal really, given that it's almost always a complete lie - but for some reason I've caught the BBC weather at 10.30pm 2 nights running. Yesterday Bry saw this weather chick and after checking out her red and gold pantaloony type catsuit (I may have made some of that up), he marvelled at how she'd stepped right out of the 80s.

Tonight she's rockin something else entirely. I'm no style guru (I know you thought I was, but I'm not - don't be sad, you too can have a piece of my style by also throwing together outfits based on random items lying on your bedroom floor) but I know that's an odd dress for the telly. Part nightie, part wedding dress from the 70s.

I'm definitely tuning in tomorrow, maybe she'll be going back in time every evening - by Saturday she'll be in some sort of Mad Max / cave woman furs, munching on a huge leg of meat and grunting.

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