The high road

By Travellersjoy


Well today it has rained all day, kept waiting for it to ease off for a walk and a bit of blipping, no such luck, so it was a choice between my wet bedraggled chickens, some not very good attempts at capturing birds at the feeder or a cat. The cat won, I have four to choose from, they really know how to deal with bad weather, find the warmest spot and curl up and sleep through it. So I decided to have an indoor day myself and indulge in a bit of geneology, I just love all that research! My only interruptions have been to get up to make more tea, which was accompanied by the last of the Christmas chocolates and some cinnamon buns, oh dear there goes my healthy eating!!!!!!!! Beany cat incidently, is one of three sisters, who were dumped in someones garden, they were going to be put be put down if homes could not be found for them, which of course didn't happen, so I brought them home - that was 10 years ago. They are delightful and quite different characters.

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