The high road

By Travellersjoy

Living on the Margins

An unexpectedly nice break at lunch time, when friends Mike and Helen invited me to join them for a walk up Mount Gabriel, the weather was sunny, Rachel was up for doing the shop, so how could I resist!
It was quite a walk, the views were amazing, all three bays, Roaring Water, Dunmanus and Bantry, and the peninsulas of Mizen, Sheep's head and Beara. We found a cave which seemed to go deep into the mountain, one to explore another day with wellies on and a head torch, Mount Gabriel was mined for copper in the Bronze age!
This ruined cottage was very isolated in a lonely valley, the surrounding land is very poor and life there would undoubtedly have been a struggle. It will soon be lost as forestry has been planted all around.

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