Plus ça change...

By SooB

Warm hug

We were all very much in need of warm hugs this morning. Freezing morning - with a very hard frost outside. Happily, it seemed too cold for fog and the sunshine soon melted the frost. I don't know if it was the action of the frost, or just a better bit of soil, but turning over the bed on the edge of the terrace went much quicker today. With two shortish bursts I managed more than half of what was left. With the ground being somewhat easier to work, I did use the slightly broken fork, which I'm sure helped the job go quicker. The friendly robin kept me company throughout, hopping from perch to perch to check what I was up to. And any time I moved a few steps from the bed, he was straight in to gobble up any worms I hadn't covered up. He did venture onto the bird table - but more to use it as a lookout I think, rather than a food source. Someone wise commented the other day that they may have enough food and not need the table - seeing the birds dotting around the undergrowth and all looking quite fat I am willing to go along with that. I do think we are changing the environment quite a bit - taking away some of the wilderness (although we are planning lots of wild areas in the garden) so it seems only fair to offer some food in case it is needed.

A day of lots of other little jobs, and the frustration of the printer that doesn't want to work (it is connected to the wireless network, as is my computer, and yet whenever I try to print, the computer says the printer is offline, even if I've just checked that it is connected to the network. I'd forgotten how annoying that is.

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