A Little Nippy

Finally winter shows it's face. It's been incredibly mild so far, so waking up to the -1 degrees with iced over puddles and frosty grass, cards etc was quite a surprise albeit a pleasent one. Well it was a pleasent one for me anyway as I'm one of those odd creatures that much prefers the autumn & winter to the summer. That's not to say I don't like the summer, I do but the other 2 seasons are my favourites. More so autumn as I just love the fab colours the leaves turn amongst other things.

Anyway, I kept Arwen off school again today as she's still not right. Well, she's fine in herself, just super tired as she has this croup sounding bark of a cough which has made her throat sore. I'm going to try getting her to sleep more upright tonight to see if that helps. I think she may be ok for school tomorrow, but we'll wait & see. While she snuggled up with the other half who's on lates this week but actually on his way home as he's got what Arwen had and feels as rough as a butchers dog, I went into the city with Asha as she wanted to get some new work shoes. She came home with a new cardigan & pair of chino like jeans, I came back with a new hoodie for Arwen & a new pair of jeans for me (£5 in the New Look sale result :D ) and both of us had totally forgot about her wanting to get new work shoes

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