Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


The day started well. I got an early phone call from Neil. He was on the bus travelling to Melbourne. His journey had started at 9am - Australia time - and he was due to reach Melbourne at 11pm. A friend was meeting him at the bus station and was taking him to the hostel she is staying in - he has booked a room for a week there. He sounded excited about his trip.

Bobby has been a bit wheezy for a few days and I phoned the vets on Saturday for an appointment but they only do a half day and were fully booked. So I made an appointment for 9.30am this morning. He did seem a bit better over the weekend and I almost cancelled the appointment but thought it was better to be safe than sorry and to let the vet check him over.

Went out for the bus - it was freezing cold with thick frost. Bus was 25 mins late. Vet didn't mind as there were no other appointments due.

Vet listened to Bobby';s chest and was concerned about it. Said he needed an X Ray. They don't do X Rays there so they rang for a taxi to take me to the Veterinary Hospital which is about 6 miles away.

Long wait to be seen at hospital as obviously we had no appointment. Finally saw a vet who said they would do an X Ray later in the afternoon and I had to leave him there and ring up after 2pm.

So off I went - 2 buses to get home. I didn't know what to do with myself as it was all sounding rather serious. I rang vets at 2pm but there was no-one there who knew what was happening. Was told someone would ring back. After a long worrying wait someone finally phoned at about 4pm.

They said Bobby's X ray showed he had an enlarged heart. No fluid on his lungs but his breathing was bad so they had put him in an oxygen tent and given him medication. They will continue to monitor him overnight and see how he responds to treatment.

Tomorrow they may do an ultrasound scan to see exactly what the problem with his heart is.

I can ring later tonight to see how he is doing. Then go back to Vet hospital tomorrow to find out what's going on.

My mind is all over the place. Everything seems to have happened so suddenly. I want to be hopeful that Bobby will be OK but the worries creep in and I find myself crying. I texted my daughter and she has just phoned me - given me a pep-talk - told me not to worry too much.

I am on a Friends Reunited Cat Group and the members always light a candle if there is a sick cat in the group. So I will light a candle this evening for Bobby. It would be a comfort to me if my blip friends would light a candle for Bobby too. Thanks.

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