This is the view from Neil's bedroom window - still looking like a winter wonderland. We are lucky to have this view instead of more houses but the land hasn't been built on because it is allotments which are owned by the council and rented out. We often hear rumours that the Council has decided to get rid of the allotments and sell off the land but so far this hasn't come to pass.

Usual trip to Asda this morning - the shop was really busy. Think a lot of folk didn't take to the roads on Monday or Tuesday due to the snow and decided to chance it today. The main roads were OK but the side streets on my estate were quite slippy.

Neil popped home for an hour, then went to the gym, and he is off again this evening to stay at his friends overnight. He is off work till Saturday so they are going on a day trip by train to Edinburgh tomorrow. Hope he has a trouble free journey.

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