All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Bedtime Hour

Today was Ethan's first day in his new room at nursery, as he has now moved up to the toddlers room. He got rather upset when I took him in and tried to run back to the tweenie room. But the nursery nurse told him he could help feed the toddler room fish which seemed to appeal to him and he was happy when I left a few minutes later.

When hubbie and I went to pick him up this evening, they told us he'd had a great day and ate really well too.

I had a pounding headache this evening so curled up in bed for a bit. Ethan came and joined me for his bedtime milk and we had cuddles before hubbie took him off to bed. Ethan was clearly knackered as he was in bed for 7.30pm without a fuss.

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