All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Men at Work

Ethan had another great day in "his" new room at nursery today. Apparently he ate loads and even asked for more pasta at lunchtime after demolishing his whole plateful.

I picked him up for a change and as he didn't spot me entering the room, I was able to watch him charging around and playing really happily. As soon as he spotted me, he stopped what he was doing and came running up to me for a cuddle. Awww!

I got home to discover hubbie has changed round the furniture between the dining room and the family area off the kitchen. He has been threatening to do this for months whilst I was happy with it the way it was. Looks like I'm stuck with it now since most of the furniture is too heavy for me to move! Ethan was very confused by the new arrangements too and wasn't sure what to think when hubbie was doing cabling. He insisted on sitting on hubbies back and kept saying "no, no" whilst shaking his head, haha!

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