In season, out of season

So finally winter has arrived. I think it was -7C when I set off for work today as the ends of my fingers and toes can testify. And the perfect day to find yourself at work with no keys and no else likely to arrive before 8am at the earliest. What to do? Hunker down on the doormat and wait maybe half an hour for someone else to come to work or go to Starbucks and drink their shit coffee in the warmth? A tougher decision than you'd think but warmth won.

The day passed, with the biggest excitement being the new, warmer gloves bought at lunchtime. The trip back was a disaster - the chain decided to come off five times. This is a chain that has been tensioned about four times since I got it a couple of weeks ago which probably means it's a piece of shit and will need replaced before it snaps leaving me stranded.

Santa's been forgotten in the big de-Christmassing. Laziness makes it harder to put him with all the other decorations plus it gives Ellen somethign to complain about. Every day.

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