
By Instography


You wouldn't want to be here with a raging hangover, having stayed up 'til 1am drinking beer at Mandy's mum's wee 60th birthday bash. Thankfully, I had dodged the hangover by not drinking any wine or whisky and by having a lie in and a lardy breakfast this morning. This meant that opening the doors of Toysaurus, I was able to greet the sensory assault with a shrug and get on with saying 'no' in different moods and tones and at different volumes. Ewan wondered what I was doing but I told him, "just practising" and he understood.

There was no avoiding it. My brother and his wife had sent Ewan and Ellen Toys '[backwards]R[/backwards] Us gift cards so that instead of enduring the misery themselves, they passed it on to us. Swines. Ellen came away with quite a funny wee ballerina doll - almost as tall as Ellen is with elastic at her feet that Ellen puts her feet in and then the two can dance. Ewan got Bakugan crap and set a new record by breaking one of them in the car by forcing its head open rather than use the magnetic key designed for the purpose.

Home via Kirkcaldy where we looked at a new car. This one's got 120,000 miles on the clock and is fading. Tidied, sourdough starter on, fire lit, tea done, weans nearly in bed. Another weekend done.

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