Colin Parte

By ColinParte

710/365 Keystone Cops

Today was an interesting day. I met up with some friends to have a photo walk around Belfast and about an hour in, we were passing along Royal Avenue when we noticed a lot of people looking up at the old Art Deco Bank of Ireland building. On top, unfurling some home made banners, were members of the Occupy Belfast group. It's not very often* that I'm in the right place at the right time! Before very long, the police arrived and not long after that, G-PSNI, the PSNI chopper arrived overhead. We heard some hammering and we saw one of the policemen trying to break the glass of the BANK door with his truncheon. I walked over with others to get a closer look. It was clear that they were more than a little embarrassed and getting tetchy in their frustration. Before too long they realised they needed a Plan B and a few minutes later, some PSNI officers appeared on the roof of a building two doors further up the street. Last time I checked the local news (nine hours later), they were still occupying the building!


Check my Blipfolio for more pictures of this incident - Blipfolio

Here is a link to my Flickr pictures of the rest of the day - Flickr

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