Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

And Now, Ice.

All that snow yesterday that melted turned to ice overnight. Our street looked OK for a walk late morning today so we headed out, but 4 blocks south there was more snow and ice-the steps didn't seem like a good idea - so we turned back along the lake and having my little pocket camera, decided to take a photo of my friend, blipper Mikeday's floating home dock. (Can just see their house at the bend on the left....)She and hubby are in Idaho where she is posting gorgeous snow and mountain and blue sky photos (check the link). A woman in the parking lot at the top of the dock warned us not to go down there as it was "treacherously and surprisingly slippery". So I just went as far as the metal grate at the beginning of the dock. It's not so pretty now and not so great to get around this city, that is chronically unprepared for snow. ( Be happy you 2 out there in Idaho!) So....we went home and enjoyed a "hunkered down day" -lovely actually. :-) I watched an episode of Downton Abbey while on my indoor bike. Trying to catch up to this season. And worked on making a blip We'll see what happens to the plans for the rest of the week....

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